Monday, November 28, 2005

Liberal Pabulum and Propaganda Hunt Continues

Fresh from my email inbox is this article from the Centre Daily Times about PSU professor and blogger par excellence, Michael Berube and his colleague, Claire Katz (a Philosopher I might add!) who are talking back to the PA State Legislature.

To refresh your memories, PA House Resolution 177 (P.N. 2553), which was passed last July is aimed at policing and purging from the Academy any looney, left-wing bias.

A Penn State Professor and Centre Daily Columnist, David Warren Saxe (who wants to protect the right to gay bash), is enthusiastic about the hearings now ongoing due to PA H.R. 177.

The group should discover "whether the political left has indeed overwhelmed the great towers of academia and flooded the minds of its captive students with liberal pabulum and propaganda," David Warren Saxe wrote in a July 12 commentary in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Saxe, an associate professor at Penn State and a former Centre Daily Times columnist, went on:

"As the new generation of academics displaced the old, traditional ideas such as truth, objectivity and intellectual discipline were rooted out, ridiculed and redefined under banners of toleration and diversity."

A few months back I mentioned these hearings at PAC breakfast that I was attending. I asked if anyone in the room knew what the outcome was of the resolution, and I was told that hearings had begun.

A really clever woman in the group argued that feminists should go to these hearings and point out the sexist indoctrination going on in the curriculum. Not a bad idea, eh?

I always like the "if you can't beat them, join 'em" strategy.